< Previous58 “This place brings peace to my soul. The vibrancy of nature is close at hand daily, the power and majesty of the ocean is always present, and a caring community envelops Sea Ranchers with deep friendships.” Jackie Gardener, 2019 Community Resources Coast Community Library (707) 882- 3114 coastcommunitylibrary.org 225 Main Street Point Arena, CA 95468 Mon & Fri, Noon–6 p.m. Tue, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Wed, 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Thu, Noon–8 p.m. Sat, Noon–3 p.m. Closed Sunday A branch of the Mendocino County Library System. Site of many activities including story hours for children, book clubs, adult education, and a variety of workshops. Arena Theater (707) 882-3272 arenatheater.org 214 Main Street Point Arena, CA 95468 Check website for show times. Non-profit, community-led, restored vaudeville theater with movies, live performances, and telecasts, e.g. The Met: Live in HD, the Bolshoi Ballet, and National Theater Live. Public Transportation Mendocino Transit Authority (MTA) (707) 884-3723 mendocinotransit.org for route maps and schedule Daily, inexpensive, round-trip bus to Santa Rosa with pick-ups and drop-offs at The Sea Ranch Lodge, Stewarts Point, and Gualala. This small bus provides drop-off services to the Sonoma County Airport, and requested stops in Santa Rosa. It also offers bicycle transport for riders. Daily, except Sunday, round-trip bus to Ukiah from Gualala. The Charles M. Schultz Sonoma County Airport, Santa Rosa. Daily non-stop flights to many western U.S. cities. The Airport Express (707) 837-8700 airportexpressinc.com Not “public,” but a means of getting from Santa Rosa to San Francisco and Oakland International Airports while leaving your car in Santa Rosa.59 Community Resources Schools We have no schools in The Sea Ranch or Gualala. Children living at The Sea Ranch attend: Horicon Elementary School (707) 886-5322 horiconesd.org 35555 Annapolis Road Annapolis, CA 95412 K-8th Grade, small rural school. The Sea Ranch is in the Horicon School District. Point Arena School District (707) 882-2803 pointarenaschools.org 45 Lake Street Point Arena, CA 95468 • Arena Union Elementary School (K-8th Grade) • Point Arena High School (9-12th Grade) • Pacific Community Charter School (K-12th Grade) Publicly funded, no tuition charged61 A Concluding Note to You Natural beauty, a spirit of activism, and a strong infrastructure—together with the shared commitment to “live lightly with the land”—make The Sea Ranch a unique community. Getting involved and making new friends is in the end the best way to get to know The Sea Ranch. Welcome to this very special place. “To us The Sea Ranch is a celebration of what it means to be a human living on earth. We never want to leave.” Ben Lopez and Linh Tran, 2019. Pacific Ocean Sunset © Gary A. Curtis62 Living at The Sea Ranch Copyright © 2019 by The Sea Ranch Association. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews. For information, contact The Sea Ranch Association, PO Box 16, The Sea Ranch, CA 95497. Third printing ISBN: 978-1-7341520-0-5 Living at The Sea Ranch, a project of The Vision Committee of The Sea Ranch Association, was created and written chiefly by Mary Alinder, Christine Kreyling, and Andrea Lunsford. Everything within this book is the product of Sea Ranchers, from words to illustrations to design. Our esteemed Community Manager, Frank Bell, challenged us with this task and then supported us all the way. We are grateful to these Sea Ranch photographers for their permission to use their wonderful pictures: Jasmine Alinder, Jim Alinder, Mary Alinder, Betty Bailey, Rich Brown, Marty Covington, Matt Covington, Gary A. Curtis, Michael Delman, Mel Gerst, Christine Kreyling, Sterling Lanier, Marie Matheson, Bonnie Plakos, Rozanne Rapozo, Scott Smith, Craig Tooley, and Karen Wilkinson. The photographs were selected in a name- blind process. We are deeply appreciative to these Sea Ranchers for their quotes: Joanna Barnes, Frank Bell, Ryan Buckley and Caitlin Cagrell, Ben Fernandez and Linh Tranh, Jackie Gardener, Dianne Hichwa, Christina Maslach and Phil Zimbardo, Thom Matson and Hank Stuart, Justine Rosenthal and Janine Johnson, Alice Wingwall, and founders and former Sea Ranchers, Al Boeke and Reverdy Johnson. Huge recognition is due two other Sea Ranchers: our outstanding designer, Connie King, and Jim Alinder, who spent countless hours on the digital scans. Thank you. Old Barn and Grapestake Fence © Jim Alinder Back Cover: Sunset Silhouette © Marie Matheson To learn more about The Sea Ranch, enjoy these other Vision Committee projects: The Sea Ranch Audio Walking Tour An introduction to our architecture and landscape, written and narrated by founding architect Donlyn Lyndon Free at tsra.org PLACENOTES: The Sea Ranch App created by Kevin Keim, The Charles Moore Foundation. Available at Amazon and placenotes.com The Sea Ranch Songs Composer, Aleksandra Vrebalov, Video and Animation by Andrew Lyndon, Performed by the Kronos Quartet DVD available at Gualala Arts and from cantaloupemusic.com “The Sea Ranch idea on a global scale might be utopian, but through music, we praise its beauty and affirm its urgent relevance in our wounded world, so much in need of healing.” Aleksandra VrebalovNext >