Photo by J Kohari.
Despite its remote location, The Sea Ranch is fortunate to have reliable water, internet, vehicle access, and other resources enjoyed by a traditional municipality.

Photo by J Kohari
The Sea Ranch Water Company
The Sea Ranch Water Company is the water utility provider for The Sea Ranch, regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission, State Health Department, and the State Water Resources Control Board. Operators and employees are properly trained and certified.
Two wells provide water for consumption and fill our 300-acre foot reservoir during the winter and spring months. Large storage tanks maintain additional water supply.

iStockphoto/Bill Oxford
Sea Ranch Connect®
In 2016, The Sea Ranch partnered with GigabitNow to create Sea Ranch Connect® to bring state-of-the-art fiber optic connectivity to our remote and rural part of the coast. Sea Ranch Connect utilizes its own fiber optic system to connect every home, lot, and business in The Sea Ranch community to the rest of the world.
Visit the Sea Ranch Connect® website for more information.

Photo by Craig Tooley.
Roads and Parking
The Sea Ranch Association maintains all private roads at The Sea Ranch, including parking areas, roadsides, drainage, and signage. Utilities are located underground (with the exception of major power lines); sidewalks, streetlights, and individual mailboxes do not exist in order to maintain the beauty of the landscape, views, and open commons.

Photo by Faye Cabrera.
Safety & Security
The Sea Ranch Association provides a private security team, licensed by the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS), to maintain a conspicuous presence throughout all areas of The Sea Ranch, educating and engaging with members, guests, and renters for a variety of issues.
Safety and Security works 365 days a year to ensure compliance with Association Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), and provide emergency response in partnership with local agencies and services.

In the event of an emergency, members will receive TSRAlerts via phone, text, and/or email.
Important emergency alerts will also appear on the website with the red icon in the navigation bar.
A trained and equipped Disaster Response Volunteer Team is ready to provide timely deployment of resources and information during a natural disaster or catastrophic event
Visit the Emergencies page for more information.