Effective Friday, June 19, Sonoma County’s prohibition of short-term rentals during the pandemic has been lifted as has the ban on recreational travel. However, many COVID-19 related restrictions and inconveniences still affect our lives.
As an owner or property manager, it will be important to manage the expectations of your tenants and clients during the current pandemic. You should remind your renters and your property manager that many Sea Ranch facilities remain under operational limitations or are still closed due to COVID-19. For example, there is no open swimming. Our pools are restricted to lap and aerobic swimming for adults. We are not yet able to offer family and recreational swimming, saunas and locker rooms remain closed and the pool decks are not available. Swimming and tennis are by reservation only, the playground at One-Eyed Jack’s remains closed, as are our picnic facilities.
TSRA offices will remain closed until at least early July. Our member services staff cannot provide over-the-counter assistance to guests, visitors or property managers. Restrictions could remain in place through the summer or longer depending on area COVID-19 cases. In fact, should cases surge in our already vulnerable community, additional restrictions and closures could be imposed.
Guests will need to use the pink/purple member ID cards issued to owners for access to facilities such as the pools. The temporary paper passes issued by property management companies will not be accepted. This procedure helps us with contact tracing in the event we have to deal with a virus case.
It may also be important to note that while many local retail and service businesses have reopened, operational restrictions may still be in place and some commodities may continue to be hard to get.
As tourism reopens, TSRA is concerned about people coming to The Sea Ranch not fully understanding we are not yet back to business as usual and may not be for some time to come. Guests may come from areas with fewer restrictions and may not understand facial coverings are a part of our local dress code and social distancing is always required (see below). Additionally, we do not have a local hospital and our medical resources are limited. Although I am sure there is considerable pent-up demand for recreation and leisure activities, we still live in dangerous times. Virus cases are spiking in many areas of the country. Our community remains at risk and we continue to work diligently to protect the health and safety of our community and our first responders.
Finally, landlord and property management companies should pay close attention to the ever-evolving messages from county and state health departments regarding restrictions on activity during the current pandemic. As things open, there may be additional restrictions that apply to you or your property to help reduce the potential spread of COVID-19.
NEW STATE ORDER – On Thursday, June 18, the State of California issued new orders requiring all persons over the age of 2 to wear facial coverings while in public places both indoors and outdoors when social distancing cannot be maintained. You should thus keep a mask in your possession at all time when out of your home. You will almost always need a mask when out in public.
These new health orders lift some restrictions but also create new responsibilities. Members who rent their homes would be well served to caution your renters and help manage their expectations accordingly. No one wants unhappy customers, clients, or guests so forewarned seems like good advice. Please feel free to post this letter on your rental website or pass it on to your renters. A similar notice will also be posted on the TSRA website.
Community Manager